Workers at Toho Film Studio who had the opportunity to work with Akira Kurosawa unanimously agreed...
Drunken Angel is not the best film in Akira Kurosawa’s oeuvre. However…
Akira Kurosawa has remained arguably the most well-known filmmaker from Japan for several...
In hindsight, it is hard to imagine a situation where Akira Kurosawa faced significant difficulties...
What is Associated with Adventure Cinema? For me personally, it mainly involves fast-paced action,...
Through the curtain of torrential rain, the outlines of an abandoned, half-ruined structure emerge...
The bridge between East and West that Kurosawa had been building for a decade reached a turning...
It’s not easy to write about a film that has been the subject of countless articles....
He is hailed as the most global of Japanese directors and the most Japanese director among...
Discarding from the film the sound layer and the continuity of camera movement or characters...