
Krzysztof Walecki

DEEP RED A pinnacle of Italian giallo movies

DEEP RED. A pinnacle of Italian giallo movies

Argento’s body of work is full of images and entire sequences that inspire admiration due to their masterful execution

AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON Second best werewolf horror

AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON. Second best werewolf horror

Made in 1981 by John Landis, “An American Werewolf in London” remains one of the most iconic horror comedies to this day..

SHADOW OF THE VAMPIRE Filmmaker as a bloodsucker

SHADOW OF THE VAMPIRE. Filmmaker as a bloodsucker

Willem Dafoe is a fantastic actor, one of those who can portray any character, from the most ordinary people to extreme cases of madness…

SCANNERS. Yeah, a horror movie with THAT scene

SCANNERS. Yeah, a horror movie with THAT scene

Everyone remembers the exploding head, a truly remarkable effect, but the film itself seems somewhat forgotten today…

THE OTHERS Dark and unsettling ghost story with a twist

THE OTHERS. Dark and unsettling ghost story with a twist

As I sat in the seat of the now-closed cinema, I was terrified throughout the entire screening, from beginning to end.

FALLEN Remain vigilant so that evil doesn't touch you

FALLEN. Remain vigilant so that evil doesn't touch you

On the night of his execution, serial killer Edgar Reese tells the detective responsible for his capture, John Hobbes, that nothing in nature dies.

DAGON Mystery, horror, and evil

DAGON. Mystery, horror, and evil

Almost every time I write an article about a film based on H.P. Lovecraft, I start with the daunting task of translating the vision of the famous...

WAXWORK Visually surprising perfect mix of horror and comedy

WAXWORK. Visually surprising mix of horror and comedy

Wax figures are difficult to name as iconic characters of the horror cinema because their strength lies in lifelessness…

THE BEYOND Dare to open the gates of hell

THE BEYOND. Dare to open the gates of hell

Even now, it’s difficult for me to explain the greatness of Fulci, who made his horror films quickly and cheaply.

THE BEAST WITHIN Lovecraft - inspired dark horror story

THE BEAST WITHIN. Lovecraft - inspired dark horror story

American horror of the 80s is most often associated with the bloody, and often not very clever, procession of famous slasher monsters…