
THE X-FILES Archive. Everything there is to know about the groundbreaking science fiction series

When Fox Broadcasting launched two new series in September 1993, The X-Files and The Adventures of Brisco County Jr., then programming director Sandy Grushow made the bold remark that he would…

Karolina Chymkowska

16 January 2023

x-files fight the future poster

…eat his own desk” if the The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. co-star Bruce Campbell will not become a television star of the first magnitude. It was not stated whether consumption took place, but it was The X-Files, not The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr., that turned out to be the biggest hit in the history of the studio.

Season 5

gillian anderson as dana scully david duchovny as fox mulder post modern prometheus x-files

Mythological episode – click to read

Tagline: All Lies Lead To The Truth
Mythological episode – click to read

3. REDUX 2
Mythological episode – click to read

Mulder and Scully head unenthusiastically to an FBI conference intended to improve their team skills. However, on the way, they encounter an unexpected obstacle in the form of strange disappearances in an ancient forest. Who or what is the creature that moves through a network of underground tunnels and, in defense of its territory, lures people into a trap?

Shot in black and white, the episode is a variation on Frankenstein, The Elephant Man and Mask with Cher in the lead role. The agents are summoned to a backwater town by an admirer of Jerry Springer who claims she was impregnated by an otherworldly creature.
More about this episode – click to read

Mythological episode – click to read

Mythological episode – click. to read

Continued Pusher. Robert Moddell, who consistently refuses to die, escapes from prison. He quickly goes back to his old tricks – bending people to his will. Plus, he has a partner. And he’s not going to forgive Mulder for the defeat he caused him.

After a heated argument with his stepson, a burly farmer is attacked and literally dragged underground. Suspicion immediately falls on the stepson, though Mulder doubts the skinny kid has a chance against his mighty stepfather. Soon, the father of the boy’s closest friend also dies. Closer investigation reveals that the two teenagers were under the care of the same psychologist who, having suffered childhood abuse, sees experiences similar to hers everywhere around her. A local freak draws the agents’ attention to the bleeding trees.

One of the grimmest episodes of the season, and no wonder, since the script for it was written by Stephen King himself. Since the death of her father, the little girl has almost completely withdrawn into herself. However, he does not part with the doll that the same father fished out of the sea just before his mysterious descent. When the doll opens its eyes and declares that it “want to play”, you know someone is going to be in trouble. Scully, spending a well-deserved weekend off in Maine, unfortunately can’t make the most of her vacation despite her best efforts. This is how it ends when someone chooses a state that is a breeding ground for all kinds of crime for the holiday season! Mulder, on the other hand, is carelessly bored at the same time.

x-files chinga

This episode was written by William Gibson and Tom Maddox. Someone lures some criminals from the underworld and the police to a certain bar. A shootout ensues, in which everyone present dies. Mulder suspects that the actual target was none of them, but a certain Donald Gellman – a computer genius who developed software for it before the Internet, and then mysteriously disappeared. Through the data from Gellman’s personal computer, the agents find a girl who tells them that the murdered computer scientist has done the unimaginable – he created a system of viruses that, when released into the network, began to evolve spontaneously and show not only awareness, but also will.

A very funny episode dealing with the subject of vampirism in a perverse way. In a quaint Texas town, a few cows and one tourist fall prey to someone’s voracious fangs. Mulder and Scully investigate closely, which ends up killing the alleged vampire with a stake. Scully then concludes that vampire fangs are fake. As Mulder gets carried away, there is a threat of suing the FBI by the unfortunate’s family. Pondering the details of the case before submitting the report reveals that the memories of the pair of agents differ significantly from each other. Luke Wilson guest stars as the sheriff who had (or didn’t have) a horse’s jaw.

Mythological episode – click to read

Tagline: Resist Or Serve
Mythological episode – click to read

Mythological episode – click to read

A blind girl has a vision that leads her to a crime scene. Since she has blood on her hands, she is immediately arrested and found guilty of the crime. However, Mulder suspects that the girl is not so much responsible for the crime as she has a strong psychic connection with the right perpetrator. Lily Taylor played the role of the blind visionary.

In remote parts of the country, deceptively similar events occur – crippled girls leave the bed on their own and are found in a pose of prayerful worship, with their eyes burnt out. Scully, who has a personal connection to the matter, quickly finds connections to the apocrypha about children begotten by a mortal woman by an angel-seraph. Such children have the souls of angels but handicapped bodies. Scully suspects that the winged father wants to intercept his children before Satan gets on their trail.

all souls x-files

While investigating a terrorist organization, Mulder behaves strangely. Looks like he helped the suspect get away. Scully begins to suspect whether his involvement in the activities of the surveillance cell is just part of the strategy, or whether Mulder is playing both sides.

When someone constantly sees big talking cauliflowers around them, and you’re around them and you start seeing them too, that’s folie a deux. A marketing employee of a large company believes that his boss is a cruel demon with the body of a huge insect, hidden from the sight of the casual observer under a deceptively human mask, who wants to slowly turn employees into soulless zombies. The situation is supposedly brought under control, and the alleged madman is shot dead. But now Mulder, too, begins to see the insect’s shadow following the CEO.

Tagline: The End
Mythological episode – click to read

Karolina Chymkowska

Karolina Chymkowska

In books and in movies, I love the same aspects: twists, surprises, unconventional outcomes. It's an ongoing and hopefully everlasting adventure. When I don't write, watch or read, I spend my days as a veterinary technician developing my own farm and animal shelter.

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