
THE X-FILES Archive. Everything there is to know about the groundbreaking science fiction series

When Fox Broadcasting launched two new series in September 1993, The X-Files and The Adventures of Brisco County Jr., then programming director Sandy Grushow made the bold remark that he would…

Karolina Chymkowska

16 January 2023

x-files fight the future poster

…eat his own desk” if the The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. co-star Bruce Campbell will not become a television star of the first magnitude. It was not stated whether consumption took place, but it was The X-Files, not The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr., that turned out to be the biggest hit in the history of the studio.

Season 4

david duchovny as fox mulder the field where i died x-files

Tagline: Everything Dies
Mythological episode – click to read

A young woman takes a passport photo. She states that she forgot her wallet and goes to get the money from the car. There, she discovers that her companion is dead, and soon after, someone drugs her. The pharmacist, developing the photos, is shocked – on the film you can see the image of the same woman, but screaming in horror. Mulder believes that the killer can unknowingly record his thoughts on photographic film. Meanwhile, a kidnapped woman is found by the side of the road – someone lobotomized her in an amateur way.

The episode is widely regarded as the most brutal in the history of the series. A murder takes place in Home, Pennsylvania. While investigating the case, the agents stumble upon a local family where multi-generational incest has led to horrific body deformities. The episode brings to mind Wrong Turn and The Hills Have Eyes.

Tagline: Deceive Inveigle Obfuscate
In African mythology, Teliko are the spirits of the air, able to move through the smallest gaps and threatening anyone who sees them. Agents of the X-Files investigate the deaths of black men whose bodies were found completely stripped of pigment.

A telephone call draws the FBI’s attention to the Ephesian sect and begins a years-long investigation. Apparently, in the area inhabited by the sect, there is a whole arsenal of weapons hidden. Unfortunately, the raid on the church has no effect. If within a dozen or so hours the FBI does not obtain information as to where the arsenal is hidden, the sect’s leader will be released – and then tragedy and collective suicide may occur. Among the guru’s seven wives, a certain Melissa stands out – in moments of stress, she assumes various personalities that Mulder believes are remnants of her past lives. Surprisingly, Mulder and Melissa have a lot in common. One of the best episodes of the season.

In a plastic surgery ward, doctors go into a strange trance during surgery and perform compulsive acts that lead to the death of patients. Then they are unable to explain the reasons for their behavior. Mulder notes that each of the dead had a birthday on a day that corresponded to the traditional date of the witches’ Sabbath. Is there anyone in the ward who has harnessed black magic in their efforts to look youthful?

Mythological episode – click to read

Mulder has an incredibly realistic dream. Following his instructions, she discovers a girl’s corpse buried in the park. This is yet another victim of an incarcerated pedophile criminal who kept cloth hearts cut from his victims’ pajamas as a trophy. The pervert, who is being questioned in the case, amuses himself by suggesting to Mulder that one of the murdered girls is Samantha.

Mythological episode – click to read

Tagline: E pur si muove (And Still It Moves)
Mythological episode – click to read

This, in turn, is one of the weaker episodes of the season, and even in the history of the series in general. In a camp for Mexican refugees, a strange phenomenon occurs – streams of yellow rain fall from the sky. Soon after, a local girl, Maria, the object of a rivalry between two brothers who are in love with her, is found dead. Her body is covered with a strange greenish coating. Mexicans see in this the activity of the legendary beast – the goat-eater, called El Chupacabra.

Three teenagers rob a shop and kill the owner, a young Jew. Since nothing was stolen, it is a crime committed purely out of hatred. The fiancée of the deceased mourns his loss. Soon, however, someone begins to eliminate the perpetrators of the attack. The fingerprints belong to the murdered man. A conversation with a learned specialist leads Mulder to the idea that someone close to the deceased brought a golem to life.

x-files kaddish

Depressed by a painful divorce, a man, Ed, consoles himself by flooding a worm in a diner. In an alcoholic intoxication, he decides to get a tattoo with a picture of the cartoon Betty and the words “Never Again”. However, he soon discovers that the tattooed figure speaks to him and refuses to be silent. Also, when Ed starts a romantic relationship with Scully, whom he met by chance, Betty begins to manifest jealousy. Betty’s voice belongs to Jodie Foster.

Nurse Leonard Betts is killed in an accident. Shortly after, his body disappears from the morgue, and it appears that it came out of the morgue itself. Since Leonard lost his head in the accident, Scully proceeds to medically examine it. It turns out that Leonardo’s head is almost entirely made of cancerous tissue. Mulder speculates that Leonardo’s extraordinary ability to diagnose patients’ illnesses may have resulted from his evolutionary adaptation, and employment in the oncology ward guaranteed him constant access to food. As a consequence, Leonard, who feeds on cancerous tissue, may have incredible regenerative abilities, Mulder concludes. A close encounter of the third kind with Leonard almost ends tragically for Scully. Does she actually have something Betts needs? During the night, Scully gets a nose bleed…

Mythological episode – click to read

Officially dead, a Vietnam veteran takes revenge on those who faked his death years ago to wipe out a particularly shameful page of American history. Protecting officers at risk is extremely difficult, as the determined assassin has mastered the ability to navigate the eye’s blind zone and thus become invisible.

Mythological episode – click to read

18. MAX
Mythological episode – click to read

Two passionately debating young scientists are approached by an elderly man and he conjures one of them to be careful, because in a moment he will be hit by a bus. His prediction comes true. The other young man is accused of murder because the bus driver swears he pushed his victim in front of the hood. Who was the old man who came with the warning? Does this have anything to do with research into the possibility of time travel?

david duchovny as fox mulder small potatoes x-files

A cute and funny episode. Babies with small, neat tails are born in close proximity. DNA tests show that they all have one father – the hospital caretaker, Eddie. However, none of the women had sex with anyone but her husband, and the only one who is not married claims that the father of her child is … Luke Skywalker. It turns out that a certain genetic anomaly allows Eddie to modify his appearance according to his needs. In the role of Eddie – Darin Morgan.

The mail sorting worker sneaks off to the bathroom for a quick smoke. There, she is attacked by a swarm of bloodthirsty wasps. To our amazement, we see Skinner busily obliterating the evidence in this case. Had he gone to the wrong side of the barricade? Or is she fulfilling the terms of her deal with the Smoker to find a way to save Scully, who is suffering from cancer?

The owner of a bowling alley sees the apparition of a girl with her throat cut, mumbling some unintelligible words. In fact, the same girl’s body is found nearby. A mentally challenged bowling alley employee with an excellent memory for numbers is implicated in the case. Scully also sees a similar apparition moments before finding another corpse… Could it be true that only those who are alone near the edge of death can see departing souls?

Mythological episode – click to read

Tagline: Believe The Lie
Mythological episode – click to read

Karolina Chymkowska

Karolina Chymkowska

In books and in movies, I love the same aspects: twists, surprises, unconventional outcomes. It's an ongoing and hopefully everlasting adventure. When I don't write, watch or read, I spend my days as a veterinary technician developing my own farm and animal shelter.

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