The director creates a shocking portrait of a man consumed by an internal fire ignited and fueled...
Universal Studios is the undisputed father of cinematic horror.
“Humanist Vampire” is more than just an exercise in blending styles and creating...
The boundaries of the horror genre have always been a contentious issue for film scholars and...
Music is a key element of Venus in Furs—the film is almost entirely accompanied by excellent jazz,...
The eye looks, but whether it sees anything is left to the viewer.
I must admit that Polanski’s first American venture (A.D. 1967) had at least an unconventional...
War cinema, especially Polish war cinema, is rarely associated with oneiric escapades and surreal...
When I think about the theme of the doppelgänger in Andrzej Żuławski’s Possession and try...
Published in 1959, Stanislaw Lem’s The Investigation starts from an improbable, strange,...