Sam Raimi – a director who taught generations of young filmmakers how to make a cult film with...
In 1985, Gregory Widen was twenty-seven years old.
Each of us has movies that have accompanied us since childhood.
You’ll quickly notice that “Twilight of the Gods” has little to do with original Norse...
If an innocent being offers their life voluntarily to atone for betrayal, the Stone Table will...
The production of 47 Ronin struggled with many problems, which did not shed a favorable light on its...
Before you venture back into Middle-earth, take a moment to visit the kingdom of Urland and meet...
Regarding the fact that Dune is not science fiction but rather retrofuturistic fantasy, I am much...
Neil Gaiman’s prose is increasingly making its way onto the screen.
I won’t strive for some pseudo-poetic beginning in which I write about falling from a horse.