Kon transitions from a dark psychological thriller to the realm of an intimate and poignant tale of...
There are movies that linger in your mind for a long time, those that with their enigmatic nature...
CYBER CITY OEDO 808 – a city of the future, a city of crime…
For some, Neon Genesis Evangelion is a legend, one of the most original and deeply moving stories...
I guess anyone even slightly interested in Japanese animation has heard of the famous Cowboy Bebop.
Although Japanese animation art is still somewhat overlooked by mainstream cinema enthusiasts,...
At the beginning, there was Yoshikazu Takeuchi’s novel Perfect Blue. Then there was supposed...
Filmmakers from the Land of the Rising Sun, having embraced horror, gore, and cinema dripping with...
Animation has long freed itself from being a genre intended solely for children. Especially in...
Some time ego, the cover of Total Film magazine alarmed with the headline: “Ghost In The...