Odys Korczyński

Odys Korczyński

For years he has been passionate about computer games, in particular RPG productions, film, medicine, religious studies, psychoanalysis, artificial intelligence, physics, bioethics, as well as audiovisual media. He considers the story of a film to be a means and a pretext to talk about human culture in general, whose cinematography is one of many splinters.

XTRO Science fiction horror without taboos

XTRO. Science fiction horror without taboos

The creators were undoubtedly inspired to some extent by Alien, although they stumbled in technical aspects…

SCIENCE FICTION movies for INTERSTELLAR fans movies similar to Interstellar


Interstellar is a film about emotions, about their universality, regardless of where you are and in what time of the universe.

DARTH VADER or KYLO REN - which of them is true supervillain of STAR WARS

DARTH VADER vs. KYLO REN - which of them is a true supervillain of STAR WARS?

I have a tea mug with glittery Darth Vader on it, and not a battered, emotionally lost Kylo Ren with scars.

WEDLOCK. The End of Rutger Hauer's Career?

Did Hauer really succeed in Wedlock?

Horrors TOO TERRIFYING to watch them twice

Horror movies TOO TERRIFYING to watch them twice

What matters is the narrative approach that delves so deeply into the viewer’s emotions that they experience fear and repulsion simultaneously.



Forgotten action movies from the 90s

Forgotten action movies from the 90s

There are hidden gems from the 90s. Some of them feature iconic actors we know from truly great films, while in others, you’ll find artists who...

Forgotten (and undeservedly so) action films from the 1980s

Forgotten (and undeservedly so) action films from the 1980s

Forgotten doesn’t necessarily mean the worst. Well, maybe in a few cases, they aren’t cinematic masterpieces but what unites them all,...

STAR WARS. Can wielding a lightsaber be already considered SCIENCE FICTION?

What are Star Wars more of – plain fantasy or science fiction with elements of fantasy?

Directors MARGOT ROBBIE should work with

The biggest roles still await Margot Robbie.