Odys Korczyński
For years he has been passionate about computer games, in particular RPG productions, film, medicine, religious studies, psychoanalysis, artificial intelligence, physics, bioethics, as well as audiovisual media. He considers the story of a film to be a means and a pretext to talk about human culture in general, whose cinematography is one of many splinters.
Does "Home Alone" and its sequel still hold up as well as ever?
In popular opinion, Home Alone is precisely such a lighthearted comedy, not a Mariana Trench-deep psychological portrait. That’s true.
SPACE MUTINY: Science Fiction as the Unknown Sister of Battlestar Galactica
"Space Mutiny" by David Winters and Neal Sundstrom is a feature-length production aimed primarily at fans of Babylon 5 and Battlestar Galactica....
The HARRY POTTER series as an unnecessary victim of misguided leftist ideology?
Experimenting with the Harry Potter series especially for ideological reasons rather than the goal of creating the best possible adaptation, seems...
DREAM PRODUCTIONS. Somewhere between dreams, we exist
Dream Productions tells the story of Riley, a teenager on the cusp of puberty
ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE. Can magical realism be captured in a Netflix series?
It’s somewhat true, as fans of the novel have claimed, that in a rational and technical sense, One Hundred Years of Solitude is an unfilmable...
SENNA: When Death Becomes the Closing Chapter of Fame [REVIEW]
What Senna achieves is enriching the classic depiction of an athlete’s life with a profound exploration of his true existence, where sport plays a...
TOMORROW AND I: Surprisingly Realistic Netflix Sci-Fi [REVIEW]
Despite its weaker moments, Tomorrow and I succeeds in this regard, making it one of the most intriguing sci-fi series of the year.