Maciej Kaczmarski

Maciej Kaczmarski

VANISHING WAVES. Science fiction in the spirit of Tarkovsky and Nolan

First associations with Lithuania? The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the invocation from Pan Tadeusz, the Gates of Dawn in Vilnius, the Niemen...

THE BLACK HOLE. Disney's science fiction like a knockoff of "Star Wars."

“The Black Hole” is a science fiction film by Gary Nelson from 1979.

Star Knight

STAR KNIGHT. A spoof of science fiction in the style of Monty Python

Although Star Knight is considered the worst film in the director’s filmography today, it’s impossible to deny this light, entertaining...

MALPERTUIS. The Fall of the House of Cassavius

“Malpertuis” is a psychological horror film by Harry Kümel from 1971.

THE CURSE. Science fiction horror based on Lovecraft

The Curse is an adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s short story “The Colour Out of Space”.

SATURN 3. Campy science fiction with a star-studded cast

Despite all its flaws, Saturn 3 is worth watching – if not for its unintended comedy, then at least for its stunning visual presentation.

withour warning

WITHOUT WARNING. Science fiction horror without which there would be no "Predator"

“Predator” is “Without Warning” on steroids.

the stuff

THE STUFF. A Still Relevant Satirical Science Fiction Horror

The Stuff gained a second life on television and video. It is a film practically made for both of these formats.

THE PRIZE OF PERIL. Science fiction that inspired "The Running Man"

Yves Bossait’s science fiction movie from 1983.

world on a wire science fiction

WORLD ON A WIRE. Science fiction that foreshadowed "The Matrix" and "Inception"