While “Dead End Drive-In” is competently made (the cinematography and set design are...
“Electric Dreams” is not only a comedy but also a fascinating vision of how a person...
“Monolith” is the feature-length directorial debut of Australian filmmaker Matt Vesely.
In the early 1970s, a young director came up with a bizarre idea and envisioned a film that would...
“Swan Song”—an SF drama that could easily be tagged as a bonus episode of “Black...
“Uglies”, directed by McG, is like a more childish version of “Divergent”.
The “Prototype” was first aired by the American TV network CBS in December 1983.
“Invention for Destruction” can be considered a loose adaptation of “20,000...
“Circuitry Man” is an amateurish film that unintuitively combines genres. On the other...
A lot of time has passed since the British premiere of Black Mirror.