There was once a flop of a comedy titled 2001: A Comic Odyssey, starring the once hilariously funny...
What exactly is Donnie Darko? A satire? A tragicomedy? A fantasy about time travel? The aberration...
The plot of 2067 unfolds across two timelines: the years 2067 and 2474. In 2067, Earth is dying....
The Aniara is an adaptation of a science fiction poem written by Swedish Nobel laureate Harry...
In “River”, the time loop is merely a pretext to observe human behavior and reactions in...
In 1963, nine years after writing the war epic The Bridge on the River Kwai, French writer Pierre...
Apparently, an American producer once said that a film should be like an emotional rollercoaster....
I ended up with a “trinity” of masters without whom modern science fiction would not...
After this bombastic introduction, a spaceship appears before us, flying endlessly, with a design...
“Alien from L.A.” is a flash of budget-friendly genius from Pyun