Not without reason, some viewers of Nosferatu believed that the actor portraying the titular...
Regardless of the genre, the Relic essence will escape anyone who approaches it like any other...
After a fierce and bloody rivalry, your votes have formed the following list. We invite you to...
The majestic ship Demeter might have been cursed, and as soon as night falls, the beast begins to...
New French Extremity is a term coined by critic James Quandt to group together transgressive,...
Rob Zombie (formerly registered in some forgotten office as Robert Cummings) is a, to put it mildly,...
After presenting a list of B-horror movies from the 1980s, it’s time for the next decade and...
The Prowler is an excellent slasher not remembered by many.
The 1980s is a specific period that gave the world a dozen or so cult films, as well as a ton of...
Alan Parker has a number of film works to his credit, several of which have already become (for lack...