In the early 1990s, when the popular slasher genre of the previous decade had faded into...
The Vanishing by George Sluizer is considered one of the most terrifying films in the history of...
It is not as well-known as it should be—it intrigues, invites the viewer to a specific game…...
The title of the film itself contains a trap, immediately causing us to adopt a very specific point...
Anderson is so suggestive that his film is hard to forget.
Vampirism in American cinema of the 1980s is mainly associated with four titles…
Storm of the Century remains director’s greatest achievement and simultaneously the best...
A 17th-century devil worshiper, transported to the modern era in search of a book, casting dreadful...
When it comes to the most important horror films in the history of cinema…
It must have been special birthdays. On August 6, 1999, M. Night Shyamalan’s film The Sixth...