Katarzyna Kebernik
She lives for reading, watching, listening and telling stories.

Clown – it’s such a nice character, right? Well… For many people – including me – clowns are more of an embodiment of being creepy.

CHARLES MANSON 's Murders: The Truth Behind Mindhunter and Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
If it’s true that his greatest dream in life was fame, then unfortunately – his wish came true.

GAME OF THRONES. The Biggest ABSURDITIES of the Iconic Show
The final, eighth season of Game of Thrones faced a barrage of criticism from both viewers and critics, but more attentive fans likely noticed that...

Dissecting I, CLAUDIUS: The History Behind the BBC’s Series
This intimate BBC series has remained one of the most exceptional screen portrayals of ancient Rome for years.

The Truth Behind THE NORTHMAN. Freakin' Masterpiece
Clickbait? Exaggeration? Overuse of hyperbole? No!

THE PASSION OF JOAN OF ARC Explained. The Truth Behind the Masterpiece
2021 marked exactly 40 years since the discovery of the reel of The Passion of Joan of Arc by Carl Theodor Dreyer.

Director Teddy Lussi-Modeste proves with The Good Teacher that he knows how to create a powerful, daring drama with social insight.