
SEXY BEAST. The illegitimate child of Quentin Tarantino and Guy Ritchie?
“Sexy Beast” is a very interesting debut. The form is already crystallized, undoubtedly aided by Glazer’s experience in creating...

DEATH RACE. Purely entertaining science fiction
In 1997, a computer game titled “Carmageddon” was released. It revolved around unconventional car races.

SASQUATCH SUNSET. Big Foot's little adventures
The idea on which “Sasquatch Sunset” is based is splendid but risky. At first glance, it may seem like a surefire hit, but it risks quick...

THE STUFF. A Still Relevant Satirical Science Fiction Horror
The Stuff gained a second life on television and video. It is a film practically made for both of these formats.

TERMINATOR SALVATION. Much better than you remember
After six years since the controversial release of Rise of the Machines, it was decided that it was enough time for the wounds to heal…

EMPIRE. Star Wars made in France
“Empire” is a tour de force and to some extent the quintessence of Bruno Dumont’s current phase of work – a bold, bizarre film...

THE ENDLESS. Mysterious and engaging science fiction horror
Brothers Aaron and Justin escaped from a cult ten years ago.