10 CLOVERFIELD LANE. Superb, tense science fiction thriller
A young woman wakes up after a car accident in a small, grimy room, which turns out to be part of an underground shelter.
PAST LIVES. What could have been [REVIEW]
In contrast to all the films that are elaborately crafted but stumble narratively, “Past Lives” is, first and foremost, a beautifully...
SHALLOW GRAVE. Hypnotic game of character in the astonishing thriller
Incredible debut by Danny Boyle.
THIS IS THE END. Hollywood stars playing themselves and a biblical apocalypse
“This Is the End” had it all – a cool idea of confronting Hollywood’s elite with biblical apocalypse, a horde of celebrity stars...
KLEKS ACADEMY. Welcome to the Music Video [REVIEW]
The new “Kleks Academy” will not be a fairy tale for adults. Whether it becomes one for children remains to be seen.
SICARIO. Thriller masterpiece by Dennis Villeneuve
In one of the scenes in Sicario, played by Josh Brolin, a special agent explains to a corrupt and severely beaten police officer…
WARM BODIES. Zombie romantic comedy horror
It would be a tragedy if “Warm Bodies” were made seriously and lacked any sense of distance.