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The Funniest Scenes From KEEPING UP APPEARANCES TV Show

This British comedy series aired from 1990 to 1995.

Martyna Janasik

25 April 2024

The Funniest Scenes From KEEPING UP APPEARANCES TV Show

A sitcom about Hyacinth Bucket, who clumsily tries to present herself as much wealthier and belonging to a higher social class than she actually is, it was one of Queen Elizabeth II’s favorite productions. Here are the funniest scenes from the TV series Keeping Up Appearances.

If Hyacinth Bucket, sorry, Hyacinth Bouquet, found out that her stories brought moments of joy to Queen Elizabeth II, and we – out of fondness for her character – compiled a selection of the funniest scenes from Keeping Up Appearances, she would probably be thrilled. After all, Hyacinth loved being in the spotlight. So, without further ado, let’s move on to the presentation. The examples we’ve chosen are our favorites. Feel free to comment and share your beloved moments from Keeping Up Appearances.

The Charity Shop

The Charity Shop is the fourth episode of the first season. Hyacinth’s sister, Violet, informs her that their father has brought home a woman who now occupies the house because he proposed to her and promised to marry her. Hyacinth rushes to the rescue. Her friend Elizabeth gives her a ride to Violet’s house. However, Hyacinth doesn’t give Elizabeth the correct address, fearing she would see Violet’s shabby house. As a result, Hyacinth has to trespass, climb over a fence, and run several blocks. This scene always cracks me up too!

A Strange Man

A Strange Man is the first episode of the second season of Keeping Up Appearances. Hyacinth notices a naked man wrapped only in a towel outside her friend and neighbor Elizabeth’s house. Upon seeing this, she sends her husband Richard to investigate. Hyacinth knows that the man she saw is not Elizabeth’s husband, so she decides to defend her friend’s dignity and prevent a scandal on their street. The man in Elizabeth’s house turns out to be her brother. Emmet moved in with Elizabeth after his divorce. He is a musician, which sparks artistic aspirations in Hyacinth. Unfortunately for Emmet, it turns out that Hyacinth only thinks she is musically talented and can sing. Check out the scene where Hyacinth sees Emmet for the first time.

Please Mind Your Head

Please Mind Your Head is the sixth episode of the fourth season. Throughout most of this season, Hyacinth is searching for the perfect countryside cottage where she could go with Richard. When she finally finds the dream cottage, actually a small apartment in the attic of an old palace, she decides to invite guests. Elizabeth and Emmet show up, and even Violet with Onslow. Unfortunately, the apartment is so small and low that it leads to a disaster. Emmet gets his head stuck in the ceiling, and the rest of the guests become wedged together in the extremely cramped kitchen. This cannot be described; it must be seen. Click on the video below.

Sea Fever

Sea Fever is the first of two special episodes in the fourth season of Keeping Up Appearances. Hyacinth and Richard embark on a cruise on the QE2. It turns out that Violet and Onslow are also on the same ship. Hyacinth thinks they are there on a free trip, but the truth is that Violet and Onslow won the cruise. Disheartened and disappointed with the cruise, Hyacinth finally decides to loosen up and allows herself to have a bit of a wild dance with Onslow.

Hyacinth Is Alarmed

Hyacinth Is Alarmed is the third episode of the fifth season. Hyacinth and Richard are celebrating their wedding anniversary. Hyacinth, of course, remembers it well. Unfortunately, Richard does not. Hyacinth is convinced that her husband has prepared a huge surprise for her. Something she has always dreamed of or something completely unexpected. Richard is afraid to tell her that he forgot their anniversary, but circumstances save him. When Hyacinth is outraged that there was a burglary on their street, Richard decides to install an alarm system in the house to make Hyacinth feel safe. Hyacinth is delighted. Unfortunately, karma catches up with Richard anyway. When he returns home late at night, he has to deactivate the alarm to avoid waking Hyacinth. The alarm disarm code is their wedding date. Richard enters it incorrectly. See Hyacinth’s reaction.

The Pageant

The Pageant is the first of two special episodes in the fifth season of Keeping Up Appearances. In this episode, Hyacinth directs a play, once again fueling her artistic ambitions. Emmet, as an expert in artistic endeavors, decides to give Hyacinth some advice on how to portray Queen Henrietta Maria – the wife of Charles I, King of England – more accurately. The scene where Hyacinth attempts a French accent always cracks me up too!

Martyna Janasik

Martyna Janasik

Cultural studies scholar and writer. Enthusiast of food, cinema, and sports. Probably that's why some of her favorite movies are "Rocky" and "Julie and Julia". She always wanted to write, so she will always write. In her free time, she loves watching movies and playing tennis.

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