
Robert Downey Jr. as DR. DOOM in the MCU. A Brief History of Marvel’s DESPERATION

Comic-Con buzzed with a flood of revelations, and of them is RDJ returning… as Doctor Doom.

Jakub Piwoński

31 July 2024

It happened. The behind-the-scenes of new MCU films have been revealed. Comic-Con buzzed with a flood of revelations. However, I have the impression that the facts brought to light demonstrate the desperation of Disney’s decision-makers rather than showing they have an original idea for continuing this circus.

The creation of new installments of the Marvel universe has recently been going through a very long digestive process. It didn’t go without perturbations. Just a few years ago, when the Russo brothers concluded the Avengers’ journey with the neat wrap-up in “Endgame,” we expected it would be very difficult to match that level in subsequent films. The Russo brothers, rightly so, decided to take on other projects. Other stars, whose character arcs had come to a conclusion, also distanced themselves from Marvel. Clumsily but persistently, the building of this enormous multiverse continued, sealing it with the surprising box office successes of the new Spider-Man and Doctor Strange films.

spider-man MCU

It became clear that this goose would continue laying golden eggs as long as the creators kept a tight grip on it. But how long can you keep using force on an innocent animal? The series installments of the multiverse seemed to dilute the main theme without pushing it in any specific direction. This can be said in short about “She-Hulk” or “Secret Invasion” – productions that had the potential to keep our interest as long as their first episode lasted, after which everything (or very little) became clear. However, Kang, whom we met in “Loki,” appeared on the horizon and actually gave some hope. Although he couldn’t snap his fingers like Thanos, he certainly didn’t lack charisma.

Unfortunately, actor Jonathan Majors got into a fight, or rather a brawl, with his significant other. Even though little in the course of the investigation pointed to a definite detriment for the actor, there was equally little to indicate he didn’t commit the violence. And nothing hurts, nothing looks worse in Hollywood than making a bad impression. “Quantumania” with ants and wasps introduced a new villain, but it didn’t translate into box office success. Hitting the “cancel” button became inevitable.

This whole scandal intertwined with the growing strength of the main competition. There too, films were facing successive flops. But in the DC ranks, James Gunn, well-known to Marvel for his work on “Guardians of the Galaxy,” emerged. His takeover as the chief overseer of the DC universe’s overhaul must have been seen by Marvel as a significant threat. When preparing the next spectacle – meant to symbolize the line between the old MCU and the new, “Deadpool & Wolverine” – they relied 100% on tried-and-true tricks and familiar names, clearly with a sense of self-irony.

kang mcu

The tension was rising. The premiere of the film, which was supposed to be the “messiah” of this world, was approaching fast. This coincided with leaks in the press. Fans started gossiping that Robert Downey Jr., beloved as Iron Man, might return to the MCU because if a “resurrection” worked for Hugh Jackman, why not for him? After all, the multiverse is an infinitely deep bag. Added to this were rumors of the surprising return of the Russo brothers, Marvel’s prodigal sons. It seemed a bit shocking, but many rational reasons began to support their return to lead the next Avengers films. Because who else, if not them?

For a few days, we have known a bit more. “Deadpool & Wolverine” achieved considerable box office success. At Comic-Con, what seemed impossible a few years ago was confirmed. Actors and directors who once bid farewell to the MCU are returning, somewhat with their tails between their legs, and somewhat in the role of those who will continue to save the MCU and pull it out of its crisis. Disney also seems to have its tail between its legs, after years of searching for a new opening, finally resorting to proven (not to be confused with overused) methods. The decision-makers didn’t just apply the safest measures but showed sheer desperation. Huge amounts of money and the fear of losing it must be involved – there is no other explanation for diving headfirst into the same river. Interestingly, as a method to avoid another failure, they aim to entice the main stakeholders with exorbitantly high fees and privileges.

deadpool & wolverine MCU

Of course, much has changed since “Endgame,” you’ll say. For one, the Russo brothers tried to achieve success outside of Marvel but failed. For some reason, the decision-makers decided to give them another chance to play with their favorite toys. Then there was “Oppenheimer” and Robert Downey Jr.’s outstanding performance in it. The man won the coveted Oscar, interestingly, for a dark character role. This must have been appealing. And that also led to the returning Marvel actor being offered the role of a villain this time.

So what if Doctor Doom is a character mainly hidden behind a mask, and Robert usually acts with his facial expressions. Well, I don’t intend to play this card yet because it’s too early for that, especially since we don’t know the actual concept for this character (Iron Man also had a mask, but we saw the inside of his armor, ergo, we saw his face). Only one thing worries me. It’s that Marvel now seems to be putting everything on one card, showing evident desperation in creating the next spectacles. It looks weak and bodes little good.

iron man MCU

Ever since I’ve been interested in movies, I know one thing. If movies are made not to give pleasure, tell something interesting, or for purely artistic reasons, but solely to hit the box office at all costs, nothing good comes of it. I’m afraid to think what will happen if Marvel’s current messiah (right after Deadpool) for some purely human reasons returns to his former drug addiction and publicly embarrasses himself again. I certainly don’t wish him anything bad, but he is only human and can lose his way (especially since the role will require a bit of… spice).

What will Marvel do if Robert hypothetically has a PR blunder? Will Doctor Doom be canceled, and will we start this carousel all over again?

Jakub Piwoński

Jakub Piwoński

Cultural expert, passionate about popular culture, in particular films, series, computer games and comics. He likes to fly away to unknown, fantastic regions, thanks to his fascination with science fiction. Professionally, however, he looks back more often, thanks to his work as a museum promotion specialist, investigating the mysteries of the beginnings of cinematography. His favorite film is "The Matrix", because it combines two areas close to his heart - religion and martial arts.

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