The history of Ted Bundy—a story that, while fascinating, is ultimately one of extraordinary...
In Seth Gordon’s action-packed film Back in Action, Cameron Diaz’s spying, fighting...
Actors cannot mumble, mutter, or subvocalize—as it often feels like they do in the Polish Netflix...
Black Doves offers a fair amount of fun.
I fear Hound’s Hill will fade into the crowd of Polish crime series vying to become cult...
I can’t shake the impression that Springer created something akin to a moral factory of death in...
Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl is above all a celebration of the bond between humans and...
It’s somewhat true, as fans of the novel have claimed, that in a rational and technical sense, One...
While the third season introduces new storylines, the creators balance the seriousness with the...
“Uglies”, directed by McG, is like a more childish version of “Divergent”.