The Exorcist solidified in the viewer’s consciousness a specific, highly characteristic image...
Hell by Tim Felhbaum is another well-known post-apocalyptic film for us. It must be admitted that...
I admit, I am a film pragmatist. If a film fails to adhere to its basic genre premises, fulfill the...
The classic Gothic horror film is immortal, much like the monsters it brings to life.
I started watching Code Blue, making a mental shopping list at the pharmacy.
“Predator” is “Without Warning” on steroids.
One of the main manifestations of the 1980s fashion revival is the resurgence in popularity of songs...
“Has anyone seen this child? Mitsuko Kawai, born on November 3rd, 1993, with long black hair....
The movie opens with an exceptionally gruesome execution scene…
The entire appeal of The Ring lies only in three scenes: the beginning, the middle, and the end of...