David Cronenberg’s cinema is characterized primarily by a transgression—balancing on the...
In the thicket of a beautifully manicured lawn lurks the ruthless world of insects. Zoom in, and the...
San Francisco Police Inspector Harry Callahan is undoubtedly one of the most iconic characters in...
Under the Silver Lake, the third feature film by director David Robert Mitchell, belongs to the...
The 90s were a decade during which the thriller genre enjoyed immense success.
Natural Born Killers (1994) by Oliver Stone is a film that usually encounters either fierce...
I’m encountering “True Detective” for the second time.
Water. The most important resource on Earth, the key to all life. The cause of wars and truces...
In the film Cul-de-sac, the grotesque vision of the world is most fully expressed, with the...
Published in 1959, Stanislaw Lem’s The Investigation starts from an improbable, strange,...