Movies Explained
FARGO. Film Noir Upside Down: Coens' Masterpiece Explained
It’s hard not to notice that this tragicomic, real-life story encapsulates the essence of dark humor and irony that has always characterized the...
THERE WILL BE BLOOD. P.T. Anderson's Masterpiece Explained
I’m glad that there are still creators like Paul Thomas Anderson who make films like “There Will Be Blood.”
The Evil in TRUE DETECTIVE: The Masterpiece Explained
I’m encountering “True Detective” for the second time.
THE FOUNTAIN. Aronofsky's Stunning Mystery Movie Explained
Darren Aronofsky’s “The Fountain” is one of the cinematic textbooks of ars bene moriendi,…
PI. Darren Aronofsky's Stunning Debut Explained
Darren Aronofsky directed Pi in 1997 when he was twenty-eight years old and, like nearly every novice, he faced a significant issue – a lack of...
FUNNY GAMES. Michael Haneke's Shocking Thriller Explained
Michael Haneke undoubtedly belongs to the elite of European directors.
ANGST. A Psychopath Simulator of a Movie Explained
The boundaries of the horror genre have always been a contentious issue for film scholars and critics.
RAN. Akira Kurosawa's Stunning Masterpiece Explained
Workers at Toho Film Studio who had the opportunity to work with Akira Kurosawa unanimously agreed that he was the best editor in the world.