Mary Kosiarz

Mary Kosiarz

Far from keeping her feet firmly on the ground, she has sold her artistic soul to books and cinematography. Fascinated by Meryl Streep and an avid fan of unconventional film endings. In her free time, she educates about mental health and recommends her favorite books and screens.

Actors Who Didn't Speak English Before They Came To Hollywood

Actors Who Didn't Speak English Before They Came To Hollywood

Who learned English for a role?

SCOOP. Women Take Down Prince Andrew [REVIEW]

Will “Scoop” broaden your understanding of how members of the British royal family operate and cleverly conceal their issues?

ANYONE BUT YOU. Sweet Little Lies [REVIEW]

A fairytale for adults, which you didn’t know you needed.

all of us strangers

ALL OF US STRANGERS. A Dream Within a Dream [REVIEW]

Refined, spiritual, sensual, and visually stunning. That’s “All of Us Strangers”.


EXPATS. Amazon's new drama hit? Review of the first episodes

HARRY & MEGHAN on Their Own Terms: Impressions After Watching the Powerful Netflix Documentary

Harry & Meghan is not just a spectacularly realized story about people who have experienced a complicated life.

ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS. In the spectrum of growing up [REVIEW]

What can Absolute Beginners surprise you with?

LESSONS IN CHEMISTRY. Excellent entertainment

LESSONS IN CHEMISTRY. Excellent entertainment

Due to the significant interest in the book, it was quite clear that sooner or later, we could expect its adaptation to the screen.

SEX EDUCATION: Season 4. Let's Talk About Emotions [REVIEW]

Everything that is good comes to an end eventually…


Mission accomplished? The latest Netflix movie with Gal Gadot is now available.