The Best MCU Moments of 2022

Unfortunately, there were not as many of them as the creators of MCU expected or assumed. However, we will find some really noteworthy moments that may not be remembered all our lives, such as Roy Batty’s monologue, but at least for a long time they will remind us of the wasted potential of some MCU productions. Even some of those that I will list below, but especially those from previous years, where it would be difficult to find so many good moments. 2022 is really lucky for Marvel in that regard. It seems that 2023 will not be so good, but we will see.
Steven/Marc's meeting with the doctor at the psychiatric hospital ("Moon Knight")
First, we should realize who is sitting across from the doctor, or who is pretending to be a doctor. The perversity of this scene lies in the knowledge we have gained in previous episodes. If we remember what happened to Steven/Marc, now – in the hospital reality – we will appreciate this plot twist, when Oscar Isaac, drugged, gets up from the wheelchair at the sight of his own face and suddenly falls down because one of his legs is tied to the wheelchair. The Moon Knight figurine falls out of his hand. He is Marc. So what is reality? What is inside his head or the experience of what he perceives as outside? The camera zooms in on his face, and instead of the orderly in front of our hero, the out-of-focus face of a concerned doctor, who is Arthur Harrow, appears. The excellent duo of Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke will continue to lead the viewer through this crazy, epistemological journey.
Thor without pants ("Thor: Love and Thunder")
No one expected Thor without pants, nor did the Spanish Inquisition. Such a divine meeting organized by Zeus himself could not lack attractions, but I did not expect it to be Thor’s genitals and his buttocks. A bit of a pity that the rating of the film did not show everything that is divine in Thor, and which caused the beautiful goddesses surrounding Zeus to suddenly faint. Either way, the scene is memorable for its slapstick and all that Thor will do next with Zeus. He doesn’t need pants to be really BIG.
First encounter with the jackal ("Moon Knight")
A typical action scene, which it would seem, we have encountered many in superhero cinema and will encounter. However, how we as viewers are prepared for it is of great importance for its later reception. With much greater emotions, we absorb the race on the roofs, jumps between buildings, and finally the literally pathetic impaling of a jackal on the spire. And we naively think that now we will always observe the undivided personality of the Moon Knight. Nothing more wrong. The creators of the series will still have fun with us, and the excellent Oscar Isaac will show his acting talent, sometimes even making us angry with his crazy character.
Breaking into Kevin Bacon's House ("Guardians of the Galaxy: The Holiday Special")
First, Mantis and Drax got a taste of alcohol, and since Kevin Bacon kind of gave himself up by publishing his address, it was easy to find him. Unfortunately, he was not the planet’s chieftain, but a celebrity, but that didn’t bother our two heroes anyway. For 40 bucks, they bought a map of celebrity houses and set off on a journey to Kevin Bacon. And this is where all the fun begins. Several attempts to call do nothing, so you have to force the gate, and even ram the entrance to the house itself, and basically such a large skylight or a glass wall. Then Kevin Bacon’s face changes dramatically and the fun begins. A priceless moment throughout the MCU.
Death of Love ("Thor: Love and Thunder")
Some may be surprised by the courage of this scene, because until the very end, probably each of us expects that Gorr’s daughter will survive, rescue will come, even if it literally comes from heaven. Anyway, that’s where Gorr saw him, in the supernatural forces in which he firmly believed. That faith, strong and blind, which had fueled his hope, turned into an equally unbridled hatred after his daughter’s death. Dispassionate and indifferent to human suffering, the gods became enemies, and Gorr successfully eliminated them, until they met Thor, his version proposed by Taika Waititi, having a lot of human cynicism and a tendency to make mistakes. So the moment of Love’s death stands dramatically high. It does not exceed the illicit, pathetic tones that Marvel loves to arouse until the ears crack and the head hurts.